Nick Jr Face 1994

Nick Jr Face 1994 - Goodbye, so long, see ya later! Face was the mascot of nick jr. From october 1994 up to october 2004 when piper replaced face as the new host from 2004 up to 2007. He would often sing songs and announce what tv. So, it's time for me to explain a promo that i remember from the 2003 era. This was during the credits of the bc episode, blue's big band. The promo had face in a. Here's the list of nick jr. Face promos from 1994 to 2004. Face was the nick jr. Mascot from 1994 to 2004. Sure, many face promos were made over the years, but here in this list, you will see only the ones that were from 1994 to 2003, when face. Face was a very popular part of the nick jr. In the uk, face was voiced by david holt. Here's a list of nick jr. Face has a clock in the middle of his face [] hi there, face here! And i have a clock in the middle of my face!!!

Goodbye, so long, see ya later! Face was the mascot of nick jr. From october 1994 up to october 2004 when piper replaced face as the new host from 2004 up to 2007. He would often sing songs and announce what tv. So, it's time for me to explain a promo that i remember from the 2003 era. This was during the credits of the bc episode, blue's big band. The promo had face in a. Here's the list of nick jr. Face promos from 1994 to 2004. Face was the nick jr. Mascot from 1994 to 2004. Sure, many face promos were made over the years, but here in this list, you will see only the ones that were from 1994 to 2003, when face.

Nick Jr Face 1994