Fidelity Layoffs The Hidden Truths Revealed - There will be no layoffs. Laid off fidelity associates cannot swipe their badges for connect week. We must remember what is important. Fidelity investments eliminated about 700 jobs earlier this week, marking the financial company’s first round of layoffs since 2025. Less than 1% of the boston investing firm’s workforce were. Fidelity investments will cut nearly 1,300 jobs, or 2. 9 percent of its staff, this month and plans more layoffs in the first three months of next year, the world's biggest mutual fund. Fidelity investments laid off 700 employees earlier this month. Fidelity investments laid off 700 employees earlier this month.
There will be no layoffs. Laid off fidelity associates cannot swipe their badges for connect week. We must remember what is important. Fidelity investments eliminated about 700 jobs earlier this week, marking the financial company’s first round of layoffs since 2025. Less than 1% of the boston investing firm’s workforce were. Fidelity investments will cut nearly 1,300 jobs, or 2. 9 percent of its staff, this month and plans more layoffs in the first three months of next year, the world's biggest mutual fund. Fidelity investments laid off 700 employees earlier this month.